Does any of this sound familiar to you?
- “I have some curvy students come to my classes (or I want them to), but I’m always a little bit nervous about how best to support them without offending them.”
- I want to make my classes welcoming for curvy bodies, but I don’t want to leave anyone else out by making the class too hard or too simple.”
- “I want to make sure I make my classes accessible for people of all shapes and sizes, but the only curves I learned about in YTT were spinal curves.”
If you’ve thought anything along those lines, Curvy Yoga Certification is just the thing! I created it to add more tools to your teaching toolbox so you can be responsive in the moment to the students in front of you — without that deer-in-the-headlights look that happens when you’re not sure what to do next.
Learning at the Speed of Your Life
Curvy Yoga Certification is an online continuing education course for yoga teachers (and people who are currently enrolled in a 200hr yoga teacher training program) that combines the best of at-your-own-pace and group learning to create a robust experience for many learning styles.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Curvy pose instruction: The how-tos (and the how not-tos) to make this work for students of all shapes and sizes
- The 2 key teaching questions to ask yourself to make poses work for any body
- How to set up the teaching room for maximum accessibility
- How to get students to actually try the poses and modifications you offer — and feel good about it
- Navigating your own body journey and story while teaching a body-affirming class
- Language that supports students — and isn’t awkward to deliver
- What yoga philosophy can teach us — and our students — about body acceptance
- Sequencing: Because the curvy support can’t stop at just individual poses
- Multiple ways to make Sun Salutations work for lots of different bodies
- What to do about people who aren’t able to come onto hands and knees — and how to keep them included rather than asking them to sit out
- The one thing you can add into your classes to increase challenge without going faster or adding more complex poses
- The Curvy Yoga approach to weight, health, and body positivity — and how to share that with students, both on and off the mat
- My favorite sequencing approach for helping students connect with and learn from their body
- How to balance the student’s individual experience with safety
- Body-affirming theming and how it can enhance your class
- Marketing: How to get the word out, where and how to connect with curvy students, and lessons learned from our teachers all over the world
- PLUS: Done-for-You Bonuses to enhance your yoga business and help you get the ground running: (1) a video training on integrating Curvy Yoga into any class you teach, (2) fill-in-the-blank marketing templates, (3) grab-and-go marketing graphics, and (4) our Top Ten Curvy Yoga Sequences Playbook (with sequences for a variety of styles of yoga).
Enrollment Timeline
Please note that this course is only running live once in 2022 (registration opened in early March and is currently closed). Beyond that, it's possible we'll make this course available to do at your own pace at some point this year. To learn more about the next time registration opens, please join the waitlist. We will share the word there first!
Teach Curvy Yoga for Life (and one flat fee)
Upon graduation, you will be able to teach a class called Curvy Yoga and use the Curvy Yoga logo in your marketing materials for life. No annual renewal fee required!
Here's what else you can do upon graduation:
- Gain access to a teachers’ guide to my book, Curvy Yoga: Love Yourself & Your Body a Little More Each Day, to use to create your own series, workshop, or book club
- Be able to teach a class, workshop, series, or private session using the Curvy Yoga name
- Get listed on our class locator on, one of the most visited pages on our website! We hear about students finding teachers for group classes and private sessions through this all the time!
- Get 30 hours of Yoga Alliance noncontact continuing education hours
- Get future Curvy Yoga Certification material updates — for free! For life!
Support for Your Teaching
As part of the course, you’ll also receive a free one-year membership to Curvy Yoga Studio ($250 value), our online yoga studio with over 350 practice videos from 5- to 60-minutes in length from a variety of our teachers. This is the perfect way to get a feel for Curvy Yoga teaching and experience it many different ways! It will also be a great resource once you complete Certification to keep you inspired as you start teaching Curvy Yoga.
You’ll have three homework assignments throughout the course designed to help you integrate what you’re learning into your teaching. I’ll respond to your homework personally, so that will be a great time for us to connect 1:1! As hard as this might be to believe, many people report the homework as being one of their favorite parts of the class!
When you know how to support your students of all shapes and sizes, both your teaching and your students grow
We can't wait to have you join us!
Hi, I’m Anna
I created Curvy Yoga Certification because I believe deeply in your teaching and your desire to welcome students of all shapes and sizes into your classes with ease, skill, and grace. I can't wait to welcome you into our teaching community!
Sample Schedule
The course moves at your pace. Materials will be released on a similar schedule to the one below, but there is no deadline for completion. There is homework after Modules 2, 4 & 6; I respond to it individually whenever I receive it (so if you're not following the schedule below, that's okay!)
- Module One: March 28th
- Module Two: April 4th
- Break Week
- Module Three: April 18th
- Module Four: April 25th
- Break Week
- Module Five: May 9th
- Module Six: May 16th
Course Curriculum
- Supporting Materials
- Curvy Pose Instruction (13:40)
- Teaching Tools (9:50)
- Philosophy (2:06)
- Marketing (8:30)
- Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) (7:19)
- Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) (6:58)
- Parsvottanasana (Pyramid) (3:21)
- Utthita Parsvakonasana (Side Angle) & Trikonasana (Triangle) (3:07)
- Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved Chair) (2:04)
- Navasana (Boat) (4:09)
- Homework
- Supporting Materials
- Curvy Pose Instruction (11:14)
- Teaching Tools (22:08)
- Philosophy (20:48)
- Marketing (11:00)
- Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Big Toe), Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby) & Apanasana (Knees to Chest) (5:22)
- Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pigeon) (5:52)
- Hanumanasana (Monkey/Splits) (2:12)
- Sphinx (2:50)
- Supporting Materials
- Curvy Pose Instruction (8:26)
- Teaching Tools (20:24)
- Philosophy (4:19)
- Marketing (7:44)
- Adho Mukha Svanasana (Down Dog) & Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) (15:51)
- Chaturanga (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) (4:00)
- Ananda Balasana (Child's Pose) (3:58)
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel) (2:57)
- Ustrasana (Camel) (4:26)
- Homework
- Course Wrap-Up & Next Steps (3:54)